Plankcore Assist – The Ultimate Core Exercise Equipment

Have you ever felt frustrated with your core workout routine? Do you find it challenging to engage your core muscles effectively? Look no further! After extensive research, I’ve discovered a game-changing fitness tool that will revolutionize the way you strengthen your core.

Introducing Plankcore Assist – the ultimate solution to enhance your core workout like never before! This plank exercise is the go-to tool for strengthening and toning your abdomen, oblique, and serratus anterior muscles.

By engaging these muscles, you can achieve a stronger and more defined core. Incorporate the Plankcore Assist into your routine for ultimate abdominal strength.

Patent Pending

Watch this for the ultimate plank exercise.

Watch how the Plankcore Assist gives a very defined workout hitting the targeted area perfectly.

Available in both Commercial and Domestic models.

Steel version is ideal for high-traffic fitness centers. Plastic portable model great for home or travel.

About the designer and the reason for Plankcore Assist.

I have been working out my entire adult life. I am 61 years old and was more into powerlifting and running up until 4 years ago when I started working out with a certified trainer.

He showed me the importance of core training and the benefits that come with it. At the end of every workout we did planking and he got very creative with many variations. I began to understand that this exercise is so beneficial to core strength. That’s when I began my journey.

I’ve researched and realized there are no fixtures in the market like Plankcore Assist. It’s simple but very effective in strengthening your core.

Coming soon.

It’s not available yet but should be soon. If you want to strengthen and tone your abdomen, oblique and surratus anterior and other core muscles this is a great exercise to help achieve your goal.